March is Women‘s History Month. This is to celebrate women’s contribution to history, culture, and society. It is an important month to recognize and appreciate the contribution that made our lives better.
However, on June 2022, the U.S. supreme court overturned Roe vs Wade, which made a big change in the right to an abortion. It is important for us to consider how new laws may impact women physically, mentally, and financially.
What is Roe vs Wade?
Roe vs Wade is a lawsuit in 1973 which the U.S. supreme court made a decision that the restrictions on abortion are illegal. They ruled that a woman has her own right to decide whether or not to have an abortion.
What has changed by the 2022 decision?
With the decision in 2022, abortion became legalized and entrusted to each state. This means that access to abortion will depend on which state you live in.
16 states and the District of Columbia have laws that protect the right to an abortion, and 22 states have laws that ban all or most abortions.
How about in Minnesota?
According to the Minnesota Department Of Health, choosing to have an abortion is a right protected by the Minnesota Constitution. Abortion remains legal in Minnesota. There are also programs and services that assist abortion.
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