Student Opinion: How I'd Help a Guy Friend

If I had a guy friend that was going through a tough time, it would be really tough to help people. It can be difficult to know how to deal with stress and emotions, especially for a male.

  1. I would first gauge the situation in order to support my guy friend going forward.
  2. I would listen to my guy friend and hopefully by doing so they may feel more comfortable in wanting to open up to me.
  3. After listening I would let my guy friend know some resources on supporting him with healthy relationship information. Ultimately, it will be his decision whether or not he stays or leaves his current relationship.
  4. I also would try and support them with some relationship “red flags” in order for them to reassess whether or not they feel safe in their current relationship or would they be able to feel safe with themselves if they broke up.

We all need to realize we are human beings and that each of us has our own way of dealing with relationships and break ups. Being able to support people we care about it is best to listen and give resources to supportive services.