Things That School Has Taught Me

While for some it may seem like spring just started, the end of the 2021 school year is in sight. For many of us, this school year has been filled with transitions, and its end will be yet another one. This is a time to reflect on the lessons we learned, not just in this year, but in school year's past. I am a senior in highschool, and a second-year full-time PSEY (Postsecondary Enrollment Option) student, which means I have also spent two years taking College classes. As you can immagine, I have a lot of successes and failures to reflect on. I hope by sharing some of the things I have learned throughout my school career, I will be able to help students and those that support them in their next school year, or their life to come. In no particular order, these are some of the most important things school has taught mwh.

Communication is Key

One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout my school career is the importance of communication. If you are a student and need help, ask for it. Whether you are having trouble with a concept, or extremely behind on your assignments see if you can find a solution with your teacher or proffessor. I know that this can be harder than it looks, but remember time teachers and other school officials have the job of supporting you. If you are not feeling supported by your teacher, talk to your guidance counselor, or another trusted adult.

Be Respectful of Everyone, Including Yourself

This is another tip that is easier said than done. If you are having difficulties with a teacher or classmate, it can be almost impossible to speak to them or about them in a respectful manner. However, if you go through school with an attitude of general respect, it will make your interactions a lot easier. It will not only open up more free communication chanels with teachers and friends, but it may also allow you to receive more help or a longer grace period if you are behind. While respecting others, it is also important to rember to respect and value yourself. Do your best to forgive yourself when you make mistakes, and put realistic strategies in place so you are less likely to make them again. If you need to make a change in how you do things, be honeist, but kind about it. It will take time to learn a new habbit.

Use the Resources Available to You

Many schools offer a variety of resources that help with everything from learning reading and writing concepts, to deciding on a career. Schools also offten have a variety of outlets to connect socially including clubs, academic competitions, and sports teams. There may even be unofficial connection opportunities such as a WhatsApp group or Discord server run by students. Use any of these resources that would be benificcial to you. I have personally participated in several activities including the track and debate teams, and the National Honors Society. I have made some incredible connections through these organizations. They have also helped me feel less stressed, and more confident in my abilities.

As you are finishing this school year and looking forward to the future, I hope you find some of the advice I have writen here helpful. I wish you luck in all of your current and future endeavors. Remember that you are deserving of kindness, and capable of being kind to others. Thank you for reading.